Jumat, 09 Maret 2018


·         Low-power Atmel® AVR® 8-bit Microcontroller ATMega 16

  • 131 Powerful Instructions – Most Single-clock Cycle Execution
  • -          32 x 8 General Purpose Working Registers
  • -          Fully Static Operation
  • -          Up to 16 MIPS Throughput at 16 MHz
  • -          On-chip 2-cycle Multiplier
  • -          16 Kbytes of In-System Self-programmable Flash program memory
  • -          512 Bytes EEPROM
  • -          1 Kbyte Internal SRAM

·         LCD Modul
·         LED and Switch Modul

  • -          Simple indicator I/O using LED

·         Real Time Clock Modul

  • -          Update time in 24hours

·         4 x 4 Keypad Modul

  • -          Mikro push button

·         Analog and Temperatur Modul

  • -          Control temperatur using IC LM35

·         Stepper motor/DC Motor, Servo Motor Modul
  • -          Using IC control L2930 to control pulse
·         Infrared Receiver Modul
  • -          To control with remote system
·         PC Keyboard Modul
  • -          Support input PC Keyboard for type text
·         Buzzer- Piezoelectric type, 5V
·         Dot Matrix Modul
  • -          Input voltage : +5V
  • -          Large 5x7 LED matrix
  • -          Connected by 4mm connector
  • -          Drive by transistor
·         Seven segment Modul
  • -          Common voltage : +15V
  • -          Large seven segment
  • -          Type : common anode
  • -          Drive by transistor
·         Loud speaker
  • -          Impedanse : 8 O
  • -          Power : 1 W
·         Power supply modul
  • -          Input voltage : 220V-240V,50Hz
  • -          Output voltage : +12V, +5V, -12V
·         Traffic Light Model
  • -          Traffic light model to simulate junction of main road and a branch/minor road traffic light system
·         Stepping motor modul
  • -          Unipolar motor stepper
  • -          Built in motor stepper controller : full and half step dan CW and CCW direction
  • -          Controlled by built in controller or external logic control
  • -          Active coil of stepper motor indicated by LED

Untuk Konfirmasi Harga dan Pemesanan Bisa Menghubungi:
Jl. Dukuh Bulu No. 105 Lontar-Sambikerep, Surabaya (Office)
  JL. Kuwukan Garuda No.9B Surabaya (Workshop)
Telp/wa. 081217467156
Email/website: cv.hakajaya@gmail.com  / www.trainersmk.net

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